Replacement Windows by Maryland Home Improvement Company

Old windows allow substantial heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer months increasing your utility bills. They are difficult to operate, difficult to clean, require continuous maintenance, and they make your home look dated.

Almost all windows being manufactured today are made with double pane, insulated glass which consists of two glass panes bonded to a frame. The area between the glass panes is filled with argon gas which reduces heat transfer thereby increasing the insulating factor of the window.

Replacement windows add curb appeal and energy efficiency to your home. They enhance the interior of your home, as well as exterior curb appeal and they produce one of the best returns on investment of any home improvement project.

If you have been considering replacement windows Maryland Home Improvement Company will replace them with high quality new windows. We will explain the options available to you so that you can make an informed decision when you choose your new windows. A simple phone call is all that it takes to start the process. Give us a call at 410-719-9600.


Wood Windows

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Wood Windows

Wood is a readily available window frame material which can either be painted or stained. It is a natural insulator and complements many forms of traditional home architecture.

Because wood is susceptible to weather damage most modern wood windows are clad in vinyl on the exterior while the interior of the window remains exposed wood allowing the materials warmth and beauty to permeate the room.


Vinyl Windows

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Vinyl Windows

The most common type of replacement window is vinyl because of its low maintenance and cost.

Choosing vinyl windows for your home will not only create a renewed look, but will also provide years of low maintenance and reduced energy costs.
